Eurofins CALIXAR is proud to announce the release of a new article “Synthesis of well-definedmethacrylate copolymers and their use for stabilizing membrane proteins” from its joint research laboratory CHEM2STAB, in Journal of Polymer Science.
In a collaborative effort between chemists at Avignon University, biochemists from Sandro Keller Team at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences (IBM), and Eurofins CALIXAR, a significant progress has been achieved. This groundbreaking work revolves around the development of the first series of non-ionic polymers tailored for the stabilization of membrane proteins.
The research team successfully synthesized novel methacrylate copolymers and demonstrated their effectiveness in creating stable environments for extracted membrane proteins. This discovery opens the possibility of using these copolymers as non-ionic stabilizing agents for membrane proteins. Membrane proteins are known to be inherently unstable when removed from their native complex environments, and this innovation addresses this challenge.
These findings represent a significant step forward in the field of membrane protein research and offer promising prospects for enhancing tools and advancing research and development services for custom membrane proteins. This breakthrough not only contributes to our understanding of membrane proteins but also has the potential to revolutionize the study and application of these crucial biomolecules.