Soluble Proteins
DiscoverX provides recombinant proteins which are essential in drug discovery and development. Kinases and Phosphatases are involved in cellular signaling, with kinases transferring phosphate groups from ATP to substrates and phosphatases removing phosphate groups. Epigenetic proteins modify DNA or associated proteins, like histones, to regulate gene expression. They are an integral part of intracellular signaling pathways and epigenetic mechanisms. Ubiquitin proteins play crucial roles in protein degradation pathways, such as essential cellular processes like DNA repair, gene expression, and endocytosis.
Product highlights
Comprehensive Portfolio - Over 520 high-quality active, inactive, unactive, and mutant kinases, phosphatases, and epigenetic and ubiquitin proteins, including many exclusive enzymes along with the PI3K and the PIKK group (ATM, ATR, mTOR, and DNA-PK).
Optimal Expression Systems - Proteins produced in their optimal system (insect, mammalian, or bacterial) to give the correct characteristics for activity and inhibition.
High Quality - Rigorous quality-control procedures ensure the highest purity, specific activity, and lot-to-lot consistency.
Multiple Sizes - Multiple pack sizes and bulk sizing available to provide you with flexible options from a one-time experiment to a full-blown HTS campaign.
Secure and boost
your discovery programs
Starting from native material or recombinant systems, we succeed with all types of proteins: Kinases, Phosphatases, Ubiquitins, Epigenetic Proteins, GPCRs, Ion Channels, Transporters, Receptors and Viral Proteins.