CALIXAR will attend the European Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference on September 27 – 30, 2021

September 10, 2021

CALIXAR team will be present at the online European Biotech & Pharma Partnering Conference, from September 27 to 30, 2021 to discuss about commercial and scientific opportunities linked to our activities.CALIXAR is a biotech company specialized in the identification and isolation of functional membrane therapeutic targets and antigens (GPCRs, Ion channels, Transporters, …). The company is currently investing in the extension of its pipeline of highly druggable membrane protein targets and native antigens. Within the next few years, CALIXAR will be able to offer to Pharma companies native and functional therapeutic targets validated and in a ready-to-discovery format.CALIXAR wants to become a leader in the early discovery segment of drug development based on complex therapeutic targets (membrane proteins), a market predicted to be worth € 70 bn by 2025.About European Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference:The European Biotech & Pharma Virtual Partnering Conference 2021 offers business contacts to industry professionals who are looking for potential partners to ensure sustainable business development and growth. The event is co-organized by the Osaka Prefectural Government, the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and it will be supported by the Enterprise Europe Network and various Bioclusters from Japan and Europe.

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Starting from native material or recombinant systems, we succeed with all types of proteins: Kinases, Phosphatases, Ubiquitins, Epigenetic Proteins, GPCRs, Ion Channels, Transporters, Receptors and Viral Proteins.