CALIXAR team will be on-site workshop at the second APPICOM plenary, from November 15 to 18, 2021 to discuss different topics relating to Membrane Proteins.Membrane therapeutic targets (GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, ...) are essential as templates in the development of drug candidates, both in small molecule screening and in the manufacture of therapeutic antibodies, or as antigens in the development of new vaccines.CALIXAR is a biotech company specialized in the identification and isolation of functional membrane therapeutic targets and antigens (GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, …) and is constantly improving to deliver the most pure and stable targets to biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies.Chem2stab, the joint laboratory of CALIXAR and the university of Avignon (France) since 2015 will also participate in this event. Grégory Durand and Valentin Monjal, chemists from Chem2Stab will talk about new chemical tools (polymers and sugar-based amphiphilic molecules) for the extraction and stabilization of therapeutic targets without denaturing them.About Appicom:The Group APPICOM gathers 91 research teams coming from 49 research institutes, in France and abroad. APPICOM regroups teams interested in membrane proteins, from biochemical and structural studies to pharmacology and dynamic simulations, and cellular and physiological investigations.APPICOM was created on January 1st, 2020 by the CNRS (French National Research Center), with support from all associated labs Institutional bodies: Universities, INSERM, INRA and CEA.For more information and meet us: APPICOM